Twindividual Manifesto
Inspired by my unique life experience
as an identical twin, I create my degree project “Twindividual
Manifesto”, exploring the wonderful
co-twin relationship. Twins are
connected to each other with deep
empathy for each other while starkly independent as individuals.
The work conveys the relationship between individuality and
commonality of twins in the form
of a declaration, which presents
people with a new perspective on
the independent individuality of
twins. How do society and culture
challenge the notion of individuality
of twins? How do twins view each
other? A conversation about twins
thus begins.
3 months
(Feb-May 2019)
3 months
(Feb-May 2019)
Solo Project
(BFA Degree Project)
Solo Project
(BFA Degree Project)
My Role
Ideation, Print Design
Digital + Print
Digital + Print

Process - Interview
In order to understand the inner world of the twins, I interviewed five pairs of twins. We discussed the social topic of co-twin relationship.

Twindividual Manifesto
I created the Twindividual Manifesto in the form of books and videos. It conveys my thoughts to the public and explores the relationship between bonding and independence in “twinship”.

Twindividual Documentations
I designed five booklets documenting the conversations between each pair of twins, these booklets present interesting diaglogues about “twindividuality” in social and cultural contexts.

Interview Videos

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